Level | Master |
Program | MCIS |
Semester | Spring |
Year | 2015 |
Course | Software Project Management |
Full Marks | 100 |
Pass Marks | 60 |
Time | 4 hrs |
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
Attempt all the questions:
- What is the purpose of Software Project Management? Explain the cons of conventional Waterfall Model?
- What is the purpose of software economic? Explain the methods for improving software process?
- What are the top five principles of modern software project management? List the differences between engineering and production stages of software life cycle.
- What is the need of software artifacts? What is the difference between engineering and management software artifacts? Explain engineering artifact with example?
- What is software architecture? Explain purpose of architecture in technical perspective?
- Explain role of major milestones of software life-cycle and list the benefits of status assessment checkpoints.
- Explain staffing principle by Barry Boehm? Explain default software project organization and explain different project level roles and responsibilities.
- Why do you need early estimation for software management? Why function point estimation is better than COCOMO?
- What is the purpose of process instrumentation? Describe in depth the core metrics for project control and process instrumentation.
- Short Notes:
- The need of Next-generation cost models.
- Modern Work break down structure
- Role of CMMI for Project Management