Software Project Management – 2014, Spring

CourseSoftware Project Management
Full Marks100
Pass Marks60
Time4 hrs

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicates full marks

Attempt all the questions

  1. What are the five improvements of conventional Waterfall Model?
  2. Explain important trends in improving software economics? Explain the methods of reducing software size?
  3. Explain software life cycle phases included in engineering and productior stage of software life cycle?
  4. What is the difference between engineering and management software artifacts? Explain engineering artifacts with example?
  5. Explain software architecture in technical perspective vs management perspective?
  6. Explain major milestones of software life cycle and list the benefits of status assessment checkpoint.
  7. Explain default software project organization and explain different project level roles and responsibilities.
  8. Explain types of effort estimation techniques. Why function point estimation is better than COCOMO?
  9. Explain four quality indicators metrics for managing a modern software process?
  10. Write short notes: (Any Two)
    • Next Generation cost models
    • Planning guidelines
    • CMMI

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