Describe COM_MIN approach in horizontal fragmentation, How do you obtain clustered affinity matrix in vertical fragmentation? Explain with suitable example.

COM_MIN Approach in Horizontal Fragmentation The COM_MIN (Complete and Minimal) approach is used in horizontal fragmentation to divide a database table into smaller, meaningful parts based on query conditions. The goal is to ensure that each fragment contains only the necessary data, making queries faster and reducing communication between database servers. How it Works: i. … Read more

Software Project Management, 2016, Spring

Level Master Program MCIS Semester Spring Year 2016 Course Software Project Management Full Marks 100 Pass Marks 60 Time 4 hrs Candidates are required to give their answers in their own wards as far as practicable. All questions carry equal marks Attempt all the questions.

Discuss the three architectures of Distributed DBMS.

A Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS) is a software system that manages a database distributed across multiple locations, interconnected by a network, yet presents it as a unified database to users. This distribution allows data to be stored closer to where it’s needed, enhancing accessibility and performance. The key characteristics of a DDBMS are: i. … Read more

What is Distributed Database? How does it differ from centralized Database? Explain Detail.

A Distributed Database is a collection of data that is spread across multiple physical locations, interconnected via a network. Each site, or node, operates independently, processing local transactions while contributing to the overall database system. This architecture enhances the database’s availability and resilience to failures. Distributed database is different from centralized database in the following … Read more

Software Project Management – 2017, Fall

Level Master Program MCIS Semester Fall Year 2017 Course Software Project Management Full Marks 100 Pass Marks 60 Time 4 hrs Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions: Activity A B C D F G … Read more