Ethical and Professional Issue in IT Question – 2015, Spring

CourseEthical and Professional Issues in IT
Full Marks100
Pass Marks60
Time4 hrs

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.

Group “A”

  1. Define Perception. What role does intuition play in effective decision-making?
    Scenario: If you are a middle manager in a company with about a thousand employees, how would you respond to the following situation? You have the opportunity to steal NRS 10,00,000.00 from your company with absolute certainty that you would not be detected or caught. Would you do it?
  2. What do you mean by IT professional? Explain the significance of IT professionals and describe the different types of relationships between IT professionals and others.
  3. How do you define the professional code of ethics? Discuss the statement based on the codes of ethics of ACM.
  4. Describe the main objectives of the IT Policy of Nepal-2067. Explain the main features of the IT policy in Nepal.
  5. What do you mean by tort? Describe the essentials of a valid contract offer. What are the major challenges in contract law in Nepal?
  6. What does the famous symbol © mean? Why do you think various ways of protection are needed in protecting the intellectual properties?
  7. Write the difference between disputes and conflicts. How can reduce conflict in an organization? Describe ethical issues in conflict.
  8. Describe the main features of the Trade Union Act. What are the significances of the Environment Protection Act?

Group “B”

Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions at the end. (20 Marks)

Case I.

Nepasa Software Company Pvt. Ltd. gets a contract with Pokhara University to develop a new Examination System. The system includes report development, internal processing, and a user interface. While the system meets the contract requirements, users find the user interface very difficult to work with. The university decides not to spend more money on the product and reverts to their old system.

a. How could the Code of Ethics have helped to avoid this problem?


Amrit Sen is working as an Under-Secretary in the Pension Department. One day, his friend Guru, a Nepal Bank (PO), narrates the following incident:

  1. For the last two years, a retired government employee, Mr. Ashok Kumar, has been giving 30% of his monthly pension to Mrs. Bindu Khanal through cheques.
  2. I found Mrs. Bindu Khanal happens to be the wife of Mr.Prem Khanal, a section officer in the pension office under you (Amrit sen).
  3. I feel something is fishy-may be this is part of a large bribe scam where senior citizens are forced to pay money to clear their pension files from Prem Khanal, and have to submit bribes in his wife’s account.

Amrit Sen visits Mr. Ashok Kumar’s house but finds him suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and unable to provide coherent answers. Frustrated, Amrit confronts Prem Khanal directly. Prem responds:
“Mr. Ashok Kumar was a friend of my father. He has no relatives or children, and my wife Bindu has been taking care of him like a daughter for a long time. Therefore, Mr. Kumar gives us money out of goodwill to support our son’s IIT coaching classes in Kota, Rajasthan. This is a personal family matter and none of your business.”

a. Do you think Amrit Sen made a blunder, or was he merely performing an ethical duty?

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