Distributed Database System Question – 2022, Fall

CourseDistributed Database System
Full Marks100
Pass Marks60
Time4 hrs

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions:

1. What is Distributed Database? How does it differ from a centralized Database? Explain Detail. (10) – Answer (Click Here)

2. Consider the following relational database schema consisting of the four relations:
EMP (Eno, Ename, Title)
PROJ (Pno, Pname, Loc, Bud)
ASG (Eno, Pno, Resp, Dur)
PAY (Title, Salary)
Write SQL query, optimized RA expression and operator tree representation to list the “Name of professors working in CAD/CAM project in KTM for more than five years and earning more than 200K per month.”

3. Discuss the three architectures of Distributed DBMS. – Answer (Click Here)

4. Describe COM_MIN approach in horizontal fragmentation, How do you obtain clustered affinity matrix in vertical fragmentation? Explain with suitable example. – Answer (Click Here)

5. Explain distributed integrity constraints. “Enforcing distributed integrity assertions is more complex than needed in centralized DBMS, even with global transaction management support” elaborate this sentence with proper constraints and examples. – Answer (Click Here)

6. Explain query decomposition layer in distributed query processing with examples. – Answer (Click Here)

7. Define beneficial semi join. How do you choose best join order in System R algorithm? Explain with example. Descibe hill climbing algorithm to find the initial feasible solution. – Answer (Click Here)

8. Describe properties of transaction. What is distributed transaction? Give an example of dirty read in concurrent transaction. Define conflict serializability.

9. Why are log records important in recovery? Show state diagram of 2PC and 3PC protocols. What is blocking and non-blocking protocol?

10. Write short notes on any two:

  1. Parallel database
  2. INGRES algorithm
  3. Timestamp based concurrency control

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