Level | Master |
Programme | MCSC/ MCIS/ MECS |
Semester | Spring |
Year | 2018 |
Course | Distributed Database System |
Full Marks | 100 |
Pass Marks | 60 |
Time | 4 hrs |
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions
1. What is meant by Distributed Databases? Why should one opt for Distributed Database Implementation instead of Centralized approach? Discuss. (10 Marks)
2. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous distributed database management system with example. What do you mean by (A1, D2, H1) and (A0, D1, H0) architecture? (10 marks)
3. Discuss data based client server architecture in DDB. How Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA) is applied for vertical fragmentation? (10 marks)
4. Why do we create view in database? What are its types? Describe with example. What is Authorization control in DDB? (10 marks)
5. How query decomposition helps in processing a distributed query? Explain each steps of query decomposition with examples. (10 marks)
6. “Find the name of customers from Pulchowk who have ordered two laptops and ten desktops.” Write SQL query, transform it into RA expression and construct RA tree by considering the given schema: Customer (cid, came, rating, add), Item (iid, iname, type), Order (cid, iid, day, qty). (10 marks)
7. Briefly explain properties of transaction? Differentiate flat and nested transactions. State the commitment rules of nested transaction. (10 marks)
8. Why concurrency control mechanism is important in DDB? Differentiate between centralized and distributed 2PL. Give and example of 2PL schedule. (10 marks)
9. Discuss the role of Local recovery manager (LRM). How log file is maintained and why? Explain with example.
10. Write short notes on (Any two):
- State diagram in 3PC
- Objectives of parallel DBMS
- INGRES algorithm