Distributed Database System Question – 2017, Fall

ProgrammeMCIS/ ME (CE)/ M. Sc. CS
CourseDistributed Database System
Full Marks100
Pass Marks60
Time4 hrs

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Why do you prefer distributed database rather than centralized database? Give real world examples to verify your answer. What is semi join operation? (10 marks)

2. What is distribution in DDBS architecture? How multi database architecture is defined with and without GCS? Explain. (10 marks)

3. State dimensions for analysis of distributed systems. Why Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA) is important in vertical fragmentation? Provide suitable example. (10 marks)

4. Why authorization control is more complex in DDBS? What is assertion? Describe how assertion is enforced. (10 marks)

5. Explain how a high level query is transformed into an equivalent/efficient low-level query with figure. What is analysis in DDBS query processing? (10 marks)

6. “For the perspective renters who are looking for flats, find the properties that match their requirements and are owned by owner C188.” Write SQL query, transform it into efficient RA expression and construct RA tree. Consider the given schema:
Property For Rent (property No, street, type, owner No, room flat), Client (client No, fname, Iname. address, tel No), Viewing (client No, property No, view date, comment) (10 marks)

7. What are the states of a transaction? How transaction can be represented by a directed acyclic graph? Explain properties of nested transaction. (10 marks)

8. What is concurrency control in database? Give example of a valid schedule in 2PL protocol. Explain various extensions of 2PL to DDBMS. (10 marks)

9. Show architecture of Local recovery manager. How it deals with update/write operations? Explain. (10 marks)

10. Write short notes on: (2 x 5)

  1. State diagram in 3PC
  2. Objectives of parallel DBMS

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