Ethical and Professional Issue in IT Question – 2017, Spring

CourseEthical and Professional Issues in IT
Full Marks100
Pass Marks60
Time4 hrs

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answer the questions:

Group A

1. What do you mean by perfection? Discuss the individual decision making models. How can minimize error in decision making? (10)

2. What do you mean by professional? Explain the various characteristics of with IT professional.

3. How do you mean by Electronic Transaction Act? Discuss the role of digital signature in the electronic Transactions Act.

4. Describe the ACM code of ethics.

5. Describe the essential valid contract offers. Explain the contract process for purchasing the fifty laptop to our staffs.

6. What does the famous symbol © mean? Write the difference between trademark and copyright. What do you know about patent and trade secret?

7. How can conflict be reduced in the organization? Describe ethical issues in tort. (10)

8. Describe the main features of the labor act of Nepal. What are the significances of the Environment Protection Act?

Group B

Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions at the end.

Case Study – I

Himalayan Health is a Nepalese organization delivering natural healthcare solutions. It is committed to measuring internal organizational climate and uses voice surveys to prioritize action areas. One priority area for Himalayan, and a core value, is social responsibility. It is important to practice what you preach, notes Resham Awal Sustaiability Manager, “if you are in the natural health industry, you have to be naturally healthy”.
Himalayan advocated five to sustainability i) Establish your sustainability priorities ii) Minimize your footprint across all aspects and locations iii) Build trust with consumers, iv) Take control of the responsibility of your supply chain, and v) Report and promote honesty. Staff is encouraged to nominate colleagues who demonstrate behavior consistent with social responsibility.
One way in which Himalayan has demonstrated their commitment to social responsibility is their impressive new workplace campus, designed to be both environmentally sustainable and to create a healthy work environment for staff. The Himalayan campus incorporates a number of environmentally sustainable elements such as lighting as well as being designed with employees’ health in mind, gardens.
Himalayan had faced a number of challenges in their commitment to social responsibility. For example, the new campus condensed a number of existing sites into one, resulting in the need to find a suitable-sized site, which still allowed Himalayan not to meet their commitments to the environment and employee health. Another challenge is that while Himalayan sees benefits from socially responsible actions (eg, staff retention, staff health), many corporate practices can contribute to these benefits, meaning stakeholders don’t always recognize the return from social responsible actions.

  1. Assess the current situation of the ethical issue of the Himalayan, where does it lead then to?
  2. What are the challenges for their business?

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