Ethical and Professional Issue in IT Question – 2014, Spring

CourseEthical and Professional Issues in IT
Full Marks100
Pass Marks60
Time4 hrs

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answer the questions:

1. What do you mean by attribution theory? What are the decision-making models in the organization? Explain the common biases and errors in the decision-making process and how one can minimize errors. (10 marks)

2. What are the criteria to become an IT professional? Explain the various relationships with IT professionals. (10 marks)

3. How do you define the professional code of ethics? Discuss the code of ethics based on ACM. (10 marks)

4. Describe the main objectives of IT policy of Nepal – 2067? Explain strategies to accomplish the objectives of rapid development and utilization of information technology in a fair and competitive environment. (10 marks)

5. What do you mean by tort? Describe the essentials of a valid contract and what are the major challenges in contract law in Nepal. (10 marks)

6. What does the famous symbol © mean? Write the difference between trademark and copyright. What do you know about international copyright laws? (10 marks)

7. What do you mean by conflict in an organization? How can conflict be reduced in an organization? Describe ethical issues in conflict resolution. (10 marks)

8. Describe the features of the Labor Act. What are the significances of the Environment Protection Act? (10 marks)

Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions at the end.


Five years ago, Rome started her own consulting business. She has been so successful that she now has several people working for her consulting firm. Their consulting work includes advising on how to set up a computer network, designing database management systems, and advising about security. Presently, she is designing a database management system for the personnel office of a medium-sized company. Rome has involved the client in the design process, including the director of computing and the director of security. It is now time to decide the required degree of security to build into the system. Because the system stores sensitive information, she believes that data security is extremely important. The client, however, has different priorities and has described several options for implementing the system with less security. The stored information includes medical records, employee working history, insurance claims, salaries, and so forth. With less security, unauthorized individuals could gain access to this data, not to mention potential risks from hackers. Rome feels strongly that the system should be much more secure. She has tried to explain the possibilities for online security risks to the CEO, Director of Computing, and Director of Security, but they insist that less security will do.


  1. What should she do?
  2. Should she refuse to build the system as they request?


You have been asked to observe how junior management uses new accounting software at a leading chartered accountancy firm. As part of the study, staff are informed that they will remain anonymous. As part of your observations, you notice that many junior management staff are making a particular type of data entry error. These errors are causing the accountancy firm to lose profit. The company policy states clearly that worker salaries will be docked for clear mistakes leading to loss of company profit.


a) Would you alter the results of your study to protect the people who helped you in the study?
b) How can you report results without causing harm to the participants?

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