Ethical and Professional Issue in IT Question – 2013, Fall

CourseEthical and Professional Issues in IT
Full Marks100
Pass Marks60
Time4 hrs

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.

1. What do you mean by Perception? What are the factors that influence the perception? Explain the common biases and errors while in decision making process. How you minimize error?

2. “Professionals from various fields should involve in the process of IT manpower development.” Analyze. (10)

3. “Professional Conscientious and Right of Conscientious Refusal are vital professional practices.” Discuss the statement on the basis of the codes of ethics of ACM. (10)

4. Describe the main objectives of IT policy. Explai Strategies to accomplish the objectives of rapid development and expansion of information technology in a fair and competitive environment. (10)

5. What do you mean by tort? Describe the essential of valid contract offers. What are the major challenges in the contract law in Nepal? (10)

6. What does the famous symbol © mean? When does a copyright begin and how long is it preserved? What do you know about international copyrights?

7. What do you mean by conflict in organization? How can reduce conflict in the organization? Describe the ethical issues in conflict. (10)

8. Describe the main features of the trade union act. What are the significances of labor act? (10)

Group “B”

Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions at the end.

Case Study

Mary works in a large provincial agency dealing with alcoholism and drug abuse, Agency administers programs for individuals with alcholol and drug programs. Maintains a large database of information on clients who use agency services. Some data files contain names and current addresses programs. Reporting number of clients seen each month for past five years, length of client treatment, number of clients who return after program completion, criminal histories of clients. Mary has been given access to all files in the agency’s mainframe computer. This data is needed to put together the report. After assembling data, she downloads it on the deadline. Mary decides she must work from home over the weekend. She copies data onto several disks and takes them home. After finishing report she leaves the disks at home and forgets about them.


  1. Was Mary’s behavior unethical? Explain.
  2. Was it a professional practice? Analyze.

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