Distributed Database System Question – 2017, Spring

ProgrammeMCIS/ ME/ M. Sc. CS
CourseDistributed Database System
Full Marks100
Pass Marks60
Time4 hrs

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions:

1. Define Distributed Database system. How DDB provides improved performance comparative to centralized DB? Explain with examples.

2. Differentiate homogeneous and heterogeneous database. What is autonomy and distribution in DDB? Defie GCS.

3. What are the major distribution design issues? Briefly explain with practical examples.

4. Define precompiled constraint and illustrate it with aggregate function. Describe the major difficulties that arises in distributed constraints.

5. Consider the given schema definition.

CUSTOMER (Cust_no, Name. Address), ORDER (Order_no, Cust_no, Date), ITEM (Order_no, Prod_no, Qty), PRODUCT (Prod_no, Prod_name, Price)
Write SQL query, RA expression and represent it with tree diagram to “Find the name of customers who ordered SONY laptop”.

6. Give importance of data localization layer in distributed query processing. Give example queries for DHF.

7. Explain the properties of nested transaction? Give example of nested transaction for airline database. State and explain properties of transaction.

8. Compare centralized, Primary Copy and Distributed two phase locking based concurrency control algorithm. How cascading abort occurs in 2PL? Give example.

9. How local recovery manager deals with update and write operations? Explain with necessary figures? Present state diagram of two phase commit protocol.

10. Write short notes on any two:

  1. Request manager in parallel database
  2. Loosely coupled vs tightly coupled
  3. INGRES algorithm

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