Distributed Database System Question – 2015, Fall

ProgrammeM.Sc. CE / CS/ MCIS
CourseDistributed Database System
Full Marks100
Pass Marks60
Time4 hrs

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions:

1. Justify the improved performance of DDMS? Explain the layers of transparency. (8 marks)

2. What are the components of a distributed DBMS? Explain MDBS architecture with and without a GCS. (7 marks)

3. Explain allocation problem, taking into account fragments, networks and running applications. Why clustering algorithm is important in fragmentation? (10 marks)

4. What do you mean by centralized and distributed semantic integrity control? Explain set-oriented assertions with example. (8 marks)

5. Define normalization and its importance in distributed DBMS? How do you generate equivalent operator tree? Explain with practical example. (8 marks)

6. Explain query optimization process with block diagram and details of each block. (10 marks)

7. What do you mean by cardinality of selection? Explain semi-join based algorithm with practical example. (10 marks)

8. Define transaction formally and explain the properties. How dirty read, fuzzy read and phantom occur? Give examples. (10 marks)

9. Explain centralized, distributed and primary copy 2PL. Compare and contrast optimistic and pessimistic concurrency control algorithms? (8 marks)

10. Draw a diagram of state transaction in 2PC and 3PC protocols. Explain by means of a diagram the interface between the local recovery manager and bugger manager. (10 marks)

11. Write short notes on any two: (2 x 5)

  1. ROWA Protocol
  2. Functional aspects of parallel database
  3. COMA Architecture

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