Level | Master |
Programme | MCIS |
Semester | Spring/Fall |
Year | 2022/2023 |
Course | Ethical and Professional Issues in IT |
Full Marks | 100 |
Pass Marks | 60 |
Time | 4 hrs |
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.
Group “A”
- What is attribution theory? What are its implications for explaining organizational behavior?
- What do you mean by Professional? Is software development a profession? Describe the characteristics of an IT professional.
- How do you define the professional code of ethics? Discuss the statement on the basis of codes of ethics of ACM.
- Describe the main objectives of ICT policy of Nepal. Explain the main features of ICT policy in Nepal.
- What do you mean by tort? Describe the essentials of a valid contract. What are major challenges in the contract law in Nepal?
- What does the famous symbol © mean? Why do you think various ways of protection are needed for intellectual properties?
- Describe conflict resolution techniques. Describe ethical issues in conflicts.
- Describe the main features of the Trade Union Act. What are the significances of the Environment Protection Act?
Group “B”
- Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions at the end. (20 Marks)
Rahul works as a QA Engineer at a large hardware manufacturing company. He is responsible for the final testing of his company’s servers and is part of a team that decides when new products will be shipped to distributors for sale.
Rahul’s company has a contract with another company that makes the chips incorporated into the servers. The business model for this product is to release a new generation server approximately every six months, meaning Rahul has a limited timeframe to conduct Quality Control tests.
Because there is such a short amount of time between releases of each next new product, the Quality Assurance department cannot perform every possible test on the servers to ensure they are defect-free. Rahul will not ship a product if there is any possibility that the server could malfunction and cause physical harm to the customer. However, he will ship a product that has a higher likelihood of failure resulting in data loss for the customer, because he knows that if he doesn’t, his company’s competitor will.
a. What are the ethical issues arising from the above case?
b. Is this an ethical way to conduct business? How should he determine when to ship a product with known defects?