Level | Master |
Program | MCIS |
Semester | Spring |
Year | 2018 |
Course | Software Project Management |
Full Marks | 100 |
Pass Marks | 60 |
Time | 4 hrs |
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt any ten questions:
- What is Software Product? Explain the various phases or stages of software products Development Life Cycle?
- Diagrammatically illustrate and discuss the Waterfall Life Cycle Model.
- Prepare a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document for a banking system. The transactions you must take into consideration are Deposit, Withdrawal and Balance
- List out the Quality Factors of a Software Product. Explain about the quality Management.
- What is Software Artifacts? Explain the Management, Engineering and Pragmatic Artifacts.
- What is Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)? Explain the conventional Work Breakdown Structure issues.
- What are the major roles of Software Project Management Organization? Discuss about the line-of-Business organization with default roles in a software Line-of-Business organization diagram.
- What are the seven Building Blocks of Social Software? Explain.
- What is Software Indicators? Explain the types of Indicators with suitable example.
- What do you mean by Triple Constraint of Software Project Management (SPM)? State the WSHH principle of Software Project Management.
- Write short notes on:
- Early Risk Resolution
- Evolutionary Requirements